Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A trip down memory lane or not

Hey Gays,

Well it seems that no one in my family has a memory left...LOL

Jeff got me all wrapped up in Ancestry.com
He did a free trial and forgot about it so he got charged a month for it so decided to do his family tree. He was having so much fun I decided to try and do mine. His seemed to go much easier and he even found records of what ships his family were on coming to America from Liverpool...

Mine is a whole different story and grew into an obsession over the weekend...aaargh, pulling out my hair more like it. You see Jeff's family knows a lot about their grandparents and great grandparents, like maiden names, etc. My family knows nothing, to tell you the truth my father thought my grandfathers name was Joe up until the day he died only to find out his real name was Michael Joseph, he knows his grandfathers name was Jeremiah and grandmothers last name was Cooney but doesn't know her first name.

My mother knows even less, her middle name is the first name of her grandmother but she doesn't know what her maiden name was...weird...don't you think?? My other great grandparents came from Lithuania so I know I'll find nothing after them though my aunt did know my GG's maiden name....I guess I never thought about how little my family cares about where they came from, Jeff's family seems to care more or at least kept a paper trail with pictures and letters, etc.

I did find one thing that was interesting, I had a great uncle named Joe "Happy" Shea and he died young at like 23. What I found was a high school yearbook photo and caption about him. He looked just like my brother David, it was really shocking to see the resemblance but now of course I need to find out why he died so young but will my father know? probably not...aargh!!

So that was how I spent my weekend....goodness


Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Fat Girl" is #1

Hey Gays,

I posted "Fat Girl" on this site called "Ourstage.com". It is an indie music site set
up to compete with other songs , etc. in your genre.

I did well in hip hop , usually finishing in the top 100 but last month they added
a "Comedy" category and i made it to the top 20, then today I am # 1. What a hoot!

Songs are voted on by "Judging". You have to create an account and then listen to the songs and judge. its easier to judge now because only 20 songs make the quarter-finals, so there are not as many rounds and my song pops up more...LOL

If you have a little time go vote for "Fat Girl". if I win I get $100 and then a chance for 5,000 in the overall finals.

Fat Girl, by MargOH! Channing on OurStage

Friday, December 26, 2008

Miss Kitt!

Hey gays,

As I wrote my refection post the other day in my mind Eartha kitt flashed across my thoughts because when i was thinking about things i like about this city and she was at the top of my list.

I've had the chance to see Eartha Kitt perform several times in very intimate settings like Cafe Carlyle's, Joe's pub and the blue note and lastly at Carnegie Hall last year.

Seeing Eartha Kitt perform live was like an out of body experience for me every time. She was one of the most giving and appreciative performers I've ever seen. Honestly Jeff and I had seen her so many times that she remembered us and would nod and smile at us from the stage like she'd seen an old friend and always shook our hands and would say thanks for coming to see me. I'm sure she would do that to many people because once you saw her you would go back again and again.

She was truly special and I'm sad that I'll never see her perform live again, a selfish thought knowing she had colon cancer since 2006 and hopefully she didn't suffer but i think the love of her audience was so special and she gave it back 100%.

I know she was a "Diva" but I knew when she shook your hand and said thank you it was the most genuine gesture and I knew she meant it.

I feel like I lost an old friend today but luckily i can wrap myself up in her music any time i want, hmmmmm....

They just don't make em like Eartha kitt anymore!!

Simply the best

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Hey gays,

As I sit here writing and looking out the window gazing at the skyline, the empire state building dusted with fog, a glimmer of green and red light shimmers off the moonlight, I wonder, what the fuck am I doing here?

I've often wondered how I ended up living in NYC. I guess the easy answer would be that my Jeffie wanted to move here and I followed him. However is it that simple?...no probably not.

My life was not horrible in Providence, looking back I think I had a lot of fun and without having been there means there would never be Jeff and me.

To tell you the truth I'm not a huge fan of the city, I guess the hard drive of the city, like all the walking,especially when it rains, the lack of public restrooms(huge issue for a celiac),the subway, the extra fee's on everything( we have a $500 move out fee when we leave this building, what the fuck is that for?, they can't answer the question, maddening). I miss having a car and sometimes feel trapped here.

Mainly it is the "software" i.e. the people that make it livable. We have both met so many wonderful people here of all different walks of life. Rich, poor, in between, artists, lawyers, custodians, gay, bi , straight and down right crazy people. Don't get me wrong there are some major assholes here as well and we've met plenty of those and I miss my best friend Mike most of the time. Mike and i have a bond, honestly if it weren't for him buying me the "Judy at Carnegie Hall" Record from salvation army I may have never starting performing. I wish I were rich just so i could move him down here...

I guess a place is a place in the end but it is the people that cross your path that make it a home. My mother has always been very social and I admire her for that, she craves people, i do too, always have and sometimes that means I run into a lot of characters. You see I have no hang ups really, well maybe a few but as far as people go I'm always interested....

Hey look at that, as i sit here typing this I've answered my own question, it is the people I've met here, that's why the fuck I'm still here...LOL

Oh, dear I'm embarrassed, I just had a Carrie Bradshaw moment.....

The Photo is by my baby Jeff Catlow, its so gorgeous!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Catherine Tate Christmas

Hey Gays,

I love Catherine Tate and her show "The Catherine Tate Show" on BBC

I don't like all of her characters but most of them. My favorite though is Nan. She is one of my all time favorite characters right behind Patsy and Eddie from Ab Fab.

She inspires me to work harder at my characters and watching her gives you the sense of what its like to give yourself up to another character, its so wonderful!

I think overall british television has much more interesting shows than we do...

Here is a little christmas skit of Nan...love it

Monday, December 22, 2008

"Chew The Fat" with "Sethboyardee"

Hey gays,

After writing my blog all of these months it came over me that I should interview
some fabulous people on this here blog. I thought it would be fun to reach out to other bloggers, artists, performers, etc. to get their take on things.

My first victim or interviewee is "Sethboyardee"

I really enjoy his blog because one he posts pictures of hot men and two he has a fighting spirit. Oh yes, one other thing... He is a bit cranky! and very honest about his emotions. This to me is something not easy to do, especially on a blog. I try to be honest in all my posts but sometimes I think about what other people may think. Sethboyardee doesn't care and I admire that!!

Here is what Sethboyardee had to say

Why did you start writing your blog?


Originally, I don't think I ever intended to publish it, rather just use it as my daily journal (with the knowledge it would someday be a famous best-selling biography, of course!!). There was no real "why" - I didn't start out with a specific purpose other than to share "me" with whoever might be interested.

In reading your blog you talk about not being social, has writing the blog made you more comfortable facing or seeking social situations?


Nope. I still remain extremely shy, and unwilling to "get off my butt" and go out and do anything social. In fact, I think the blog (and the Internet in general) gives people MORE excuse to stay home and remain anonymous, if you will.

How do you feel about being Fat and gay?


I'm never proud of my weight. but I am also not a "bear" or one of those "let your belly hang out proudly" type guys. My self-esteem is somewhere in the gutter. Of course, in our society, anything "FAT" = "BAD". As far as being gay, of course I am very positive of that - its who I am, after all

In your blog you talk about not doing "gay things". What does that mean to you?


Well, there are the stereotypical things of course. I am - and proud of - being my own unique person, and if that means I don't obsess over Desperate Housewives or Madonna, or wax parts of my body and worry about the labels on my clothes, well, so be it.

You post a lot of pics of twinks, thank you for that big boy, what attracts you to twinks?


I guess deep inside, it is an "opposites attract" thing (at least on my half of the equation). Skinny, smooth, muscular, athletic, defined, young, vibrant - all twink characteristics. I'm the opposite, fat, somewhat hairy, not muscular, sedentary, round, getting older, dull.

I can't find a picture of you, have you ever let a reader see a picture? or are you a modern day Gretta Garbo or Betty Paige?


Ah ah ah... you didn't do your research!!! I have a self portrait - I cheated when I shot it from an angle so it doesn't make me look quite as fat!! There IS a link or two to a picture of me, you just have to dig and find it LOL.

Whats the one thing you've always wanted to do but haven't? and why?


Hmm. Too many to mention. I suppose I would say, working as a club lighting operator - something I experienced years ago, and absolutely loved.

What is your favorite blog and why?


I can't think of one off the top of my head *wink* but I am still really getting "into" following a lot of blogs, so its still a sort of new thing for me.. I have begun to feel really "close" to several of the bloggers who I follow, or at least close in the sense of empathy and understanding


I'm sure Sethboyardee likes my blog the best..LOL , just kidding...

and yes, I did find his picture on myspace....its always a pleasure to put a face to a blog. I hope he lands his biography..I'd read it!

Sethboyardee is an interesting man and I enjoy reading his blog and I'll keep reading! Hope you all find Sethboyardee too...


Friday, December 19, 2008

Gays Go Wild

Hey gays,

I know you've all heard the ramblings about Obama's pick of Rick Warren for his inaugural induction but then we also here that he picked a civil rights Reverend, Rev. Joseph E. Lowery for the benediction.

Thank goodness, right....He's just playing both sides of the fence but it's all so political that when you dig down deep it just means he's no different than any other politician. Personally I think he should not have Rick Warren as part of his inauguration just because he has said some awful things and seems like a genuine asshole. I don't feel personally offended by someone like Rick Warren because I know his beliefs are twisted, I'm more offended by people that would vote for Prop 8. I just thought Barack had more sense but I guess not in this case, in this case he's catering to the masses not the minority...

I guess only time will tell and I still believe that Hillary Clinton would have made a better president because she wears nice suits and isn't afraid to down a shot of scotch in public. I'm not seeing the change yet and hopefully he will bring it and prove me wrong.

Oh, yes! I love how the HRC gets all hot and bothered about this but didn't seem to give a crap about Transgendered folks that help make up the acronym GLBT when they backed ENDA...

Oh, I just don't know anymore


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Pooch Kiawah

Hey gays,

We have a dog named Kiawah. We got her when we were together about a year. She is 14, soon to be 15 in April. Kiawah came to us via a friend who told us her next door neighbors dog had puppies and there was one left. She also told us that the dogs were often left outside in the cold, never groomed and not taken care of that well.

She brought Kiawah over when she was 5 weeks old and she fit in my hand. I'd never had a dog before, well once before , a dog named hobo my mother got from the pound but we only had him a week before he bit me on the lip so she brought him back.. We usually had cats, and we actually had ducks and chicks once, my mother loved animals and would get these idea's of raising animals cause we had a huge backyard...weird..anyway..

Kiawah has been both a joy and a pain in the ass sometimes...I guess that's what Pets are for, right! Most of all she's been a lot of fun. She has had some interesting things happen such as the time she was lost for 5 days while we were on vacation. It's a long story but we left her with my aunt and she broke loose from the collar they had her tied to on the front porch while my aunt was getting something inside, she said she was in the kitchen for 5 minutes and when she came out Kiawah was gone. I guess the next door neighbor shot off some firecrackers, it was July 3rd. A woman found her wondering on the side of the road about a mile away from my aunts and took her in and starting calling pounds and believe it or not it all worked out and by the time we got back Kiawah was back as well....

She's also had 2 bladder surgeries and many minor health issues...now the poor thing can't hear that well, had eye issues and we think has gone a little nuts....

In the past few days she's not been herself, acting really different and when I pick her up she growls at me. I think she is in some sort of pain or discomfort. She also has thrown up a few times but she is still eating.

I guess I'm writing this because I feel that we have to start making some decisions about how she is doing. Its hard to gauge what the best thing to do for her is at this point. Honestly the vet said she was doing well and blood work was fine but I'm never one to take the word of a doctor 100% and sometimes you just get a feeling.

I've been getting that feeling more lately and its making me sad..I loves me Kiawah and I'm sad to think of being without her....but I know if she is not living well then its not fair....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is Madonna eating?

Hey gays,

Goodness I saw this picture of Madonna and her daughter Lourdes
and was kind of freaked out about Madonna's appearance.

She is so thin! I know she is getting older but I think she better slow down on the Yoga and eat a little something. She's too thin here, I like the "Dick Tracey" Madonna with some meat on her bones.

Is she becoming Patsy from Ab fab? skipping meals and only having liquid lunches..wow!!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Movies, Movies and more Movies

Hey Gays,

This year I have seen more movies than I have seen in years. I honestly can't remember all the one's i've seen off the top of my head.

Earlier in the year I decided to start going to the movies on sunday afternoons on my own. Jeff doesn't really like to go to the movies unless it is something he really wants to see. Jeff tends to like fantasy movies like Harry Potter and biopics he's interested in. I like em all or will at least give something a shot even if i'm not thrilled to see it. Honestly there were a few sundays when I didn't want to see anything playing but i would usually decide to go see something anyway. I saw 2 movies this weekend because "Milk" was something Jeff wanted to see so we went together on Saturday night. It was a great film, we both enjoyed it and the cast was fanatastic, a must see! Then on Sunday I went to see "Slumdog Millionaire" and that was fantastic as well, I loved it!!I loved the energy and cinematography of this film, really exciting, a must see!

Though these two movies were pleasing I have to tell you I have seen some real stinkers this year but the worst had to be "Vantage Point".I sat in amazement as I sat there being shown the same scenes shown over and over again but how it was effecting another person in the film. Honestly it is an interesting idea but it didn't work and people were actually yelling out at the screen or sighing when we realized they were doing another vantage point. It was laughable and predicatable.

The other stinkers were "Zack and Miri make a porno". This movie started out good but then seemed to forget about an ending and rushed to something that was a big snooze. The only redeeming thing I got out of this film was that Jason Mewes has a really nice cock, which they showed in the last few minutes of the movie. I walked away wishing I had a cock like that, gorgeous! I felt this movie could have been really good if the writing had been better, good concept, bad writing!

I have a few favorites and both I listed "Milk" and "Slumdog Millionaire" are at the top of my list but after thinking about everything I've seen so far this year
"Wall-e" was my favorite. I'm an old softy and I just loved the character of WAll-e, he was so sweet and gentle, this movie hit on all the things wrong with the world and all the good things, I loved it!.

Other good films were Jumper, Australia, Role Models, The Dutchess and Mamma Mia. Mamma Mia was a mixed bag, I loved the feel of the movie but it was also so cheesy and silly it made me uncomfortable..LOL

The other thing I learned about going to the movies or somehting that bothers me is that people will spend 12.50 to go see a movie but to get people to go see live entertainment for the same price is a lot harder and honestly i think there is a lot of quality live entertainment in NYC thats costs $10 that are more pleasing....but that is my opinion.


Friday, December 12, 2008

My Brothers Keeper

Hey Gays,

FOOD IS AN ISSUE IN MY LIFE! There, I've said it! Its been an issue for a long time for my whole family.

Unfortunately its taken a horrible turn for my youngest brother Mike. He was just admitted into a program for Anorexia this week. He is 5'11 and weights 104 pounds. I guess what he is dealing with is more bulimia, he takes laxatives on a daily basis but he eats. It's gotten to the point now where he lives in constant pain and is dizzy, low blood pressure, etc. etc. this list goes on and on. He also has Celiac like myself so that has added to his whole issue with food.

There is a long back story on Mike's problems including heroin addiction and jail time but I'm not going to go into all of that.

He says the root of his problem came at the hands of a bunch of classmates that would bully him about his weight. He was a little chunky when he was in grade school but not obese. Kids can be cruel and I know that because of my gayness and lifetime of not fitting in. We also have a lot of unresolved family issues that are another root cause of all of our turmoil.

At the center of this turmoil is my mother. If I sat down and did an org chart of my family pertaining to root causes of Turmoil in my family my mother would be the CEO. Don't get me wrong, not because she is an evil or horrible person because she encourages everyone to keep secrets and deny life's pain until it all blows up in someones face. She's led an extremely chaotic and stressful life. It's almost as if she can't just relax and let herself go with her life. She feels as if she has to keep on top of everyones issues to create chaos. It's maddening!!

We all as her children have been victims of her chaos and in turn have all lived somewhat chaotic lives ourselves at one point or another.

When I was 21 I moved away for a year to South Carolina and taught myself to unload the pain and anger I had towards my parents while sunning myself on the beach everyday, I got very thin down there and I chalk that up to water loss from crying so much alone on the beach, just to clarify my father is the Darth Vadar of the family org chart and he has a lot to answer for but I'll leave that up to his after death experience because he doesn't talk on earth...LOL.

Anyway it dawned on me last night! I've talked to Mike about his issues before but always trying to be uplifting and encouraging but I think what I should have said was he needs to let go of the pain, its a simple idea but a hard thing to do. In a way it is like having a death and rebirth. I do remember the exact moment when I let go of my pain on the beach, not that I haven't had more pain or setbacks but it was the time when I said I can't let this control my life any longer and I have to focus on myself and my happiness. It was a good day!

I wonder if I said that to him he would understand? I'm not sure?

I'm at a loss on how to help him but maybe saying this will have an impact. I know one thing is he has to do this himself or he will die. Life is so cruel in these instances, where do you get the strength? I'm not sure if I remember how I did it, I just know I did and I overcame it on my own....

I'm putting a picture up of myself, my brother David and Mike. It is obvious which one is Mike because David and I don't miss a meal...Now that was me trying to joke about a horrible situation, that's how in the end I guess I cope.


KFC Girls

Hi gays,

Okay, I probably shouldn't give these girls anymore publicity but here is another reason not to eat KFC. The first and most important reason is that KFC pretty much tortures their chickens before slaughter.

Now these girls took it upon themselves to bathe at work in the sink...How Tacky!
I'm sure its the same sink they wash the chicken in too...Those girls probably got salmonella...LOL

The Pictures are what is so funny. These girls are a wreck. This is a WTF post.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Chew the Fat" Series

Hey gays,

It's weird, I started out doing this blog thinking it would focus on body issue's and a place for plump and fabulous gays to vent their frustrations. I do have some readers I know are dying to come forward but they haven't yet. I have had some other blogs like Fatngay and Sethboyardee and Gay Power Living post me on their site which is really great and I appreciate it so much!

Anyway I thought I would have more comments or bears contacting me..LOL...but I'm really not so I've decided to go to them. I have an idea of doing a series called "Chew the Fat". I'm going to reach out to artists, musician's,writers, poets and of course bloggers and interview them for this blog. I think it will be fun! Stay tuned or if you are reading maybe you will be my first interview for "Chew the Fat".


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Calling in Gay

Hey Gays,

I just read this article about "Calling in Gay" on wednesday to protest Prop 8. The funny thing was I had thought of taking tomorrow off just for the hell of it.

In a way I think it is a good idea especially asking if you do take the day off that you should volunteer. It is an interesting concept and grass roots, you know I love Grass roots initiatives. Though of course the established organizations do not think it is in our best interest...How do you know unless you try I say...

So kids "Call in Gay"....


Monday, December 8, 2008

Pal Joey

Hey gays,

This past week was very busy, indeed! We were going to see shows almost every night!
It's not something that we usually do all the time because its rather expensive when you take into consideration our rent, etc.....Its hard to pay to see a Broadway show when you live in NYC...it really is...

Anyway, this past week we saw Nellie McKay, Liza Minnelli, my friend Howlin Vics show and yesterday Pal Joey

I wasn't suppose to see Pal Joey, my Jeff was going with a friend who shall remain nameless because I thought what this person did was a little crappy, well a lot crappy. Jeff and said person got tickets to see this show a month or so ago but at like 1:15(show is at 2) told him that they had people visiting from out of town and they were running late for brunch and asked if I wanted to go in their place. I felt bad for Jeff and didn't want him to go alone so I went. I'm actually a little perturbed with this said friend...brunch running late so now Broadway show is not an excuse to cancel something in my book. Being ill or a work matter is one thing but saying I'd rather stay at brunch and cancel with you is just lame....This is a perfect example that sometimes having friends can be a real let down and a pain in the ass...

Pal Joey was good, Martha Plimpton was fantastic, she has a really interesting voice and Stockard Channing was really good, she is a great actress, very subtle and polished, her voice is passable(I'm afraid the critics will bash her voice) but her version of Betwitched, bothered and bewildered was very touching. The lead guy was cute, he replaced the star who hurt his foot, Matthew Risch is his name,good singer and dancer . Overall I 'd recommend checking it out and the costumes were fabulous...

All of this activity...and now its cold as ice outside. I want to hibernate...


Friday, December 5, 2008

OH! Boy

Hey Gays,

Boy George is a mess! I'm sorry but as one fat gay to another, Boy you are a mess!

It saddens me that this great talent has left all of his talent out in the trash for
jail time.

I was a huge fan of culture club back in the day and the impact that he had on society I think is overlooked. A drag queen having a #1 hit....in the US....in the

We all know the stories so I don't have to go over it all but the last one is a hoot. He handcuffed a call boy and beat him with a chain..Oh dear, I mean I know he's a bit chunky but really he could probably have anyone he wanted don't you think?
Money talks for the gays, so what if they have to move a roll out of the way to suck it...they'll get dinner I'm sure...

Now, Now, I know, I know I'm being bad, ladies go for the money too and there are many gays , including myself, that are in loving relationships and money's got nothing to do with it...but there have been times I thought why in the hell didn't I look for a sugar daddy when i was younger and thinner...I should have been a bottom...really.

Anyway back to Boy George. What a voice he has and I get so mad when I see these people doing such stupid things when they have everything at their disposal. I know money can't buy you happiness but can't talent? I think so! What ever happened to the old saying "Everything in moderation"? Though I guess when you have everything you may want you may search for even more and that more could lead to criminal activity....

OH! Boy...


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Liza was Wow! za

Hey Gays,

I went to see Liza Last night and gays let me tell you she was just amazing.

I've seen her perform 8 times from New York to London but last night was the best and her star shined so bright last night.

It amazes me how much love one person can get wrapped around them from an audience. Liza is so talented and she puts every ounce of her body into her performances which just makes you want to hug her. In return you get that feeling of love back and her desire to please you is so genuine, not put on at all. I just admire her so much as a performer!

The highlight for me was her rendition of Judy's "Palace Medley". The arrangement was amazing and her voice hit a clarity and strength. I kind of got the feeling that Judy was there for a brief moment with her hand on Liza's shoulder. I cried like Cher in "Moonstruck" at the opera, but no fuss so was the older gentleman next to me and we turned to each other wiping the tears from our cheeks and we smiled thinking Who the hell cares...

I'm glad the reviews have been positive and I've linked one here. To me Liza is a living legend and has nothing to prove other than she can still put on a great show. The voice may not be perfect but Liza is so much more than a singer, she is an experience.

If you are in NYC spend the 55 bucks and get a balcony seat..you'll be glad you did!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Men and make-up

Hey gays,

I'm 40, yes I'm 40 and I'm thinking I need a touch up, I'd love a brow lift and the fat sucked out of my cheeks for that sunken in look.

These are just thoughts but for some reason they've been popping up a lot more..The other day I was thinking What about make-up? I mean I wear it for drag but why not a little powder and contouring on the cheeks and neckline...Is that really too gay? Then again who in the hell cares...why should women be the only ones allowed to experiment with make-up, really?

It made me think of my friends back in Rhode Island, these boys I hung out with when I was 20, they would always put on powder before going out and I remember thinking how silly and never joined in but now at 40 I'm thinking why the hell not...

I think I'm going to buy some of that mineral powder by Lumen's and give it a try and see , you know give it the old Boy George try...

Gays, i think I 'll try it tonight for the Liza concert...yawza.

I'm putting up a couple of pics, one in drag with full make-up and honestly this was not a great make-up night for old MargOH! but I'm standing next to the gorgeous Legs Malone and her outfit is very XMAS isn't it and then one of me in the park,looking , well 40 ... blah.

Make- up it is!!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

OH Nellie!

Hey gays,

I have a busy week of gay...LOL. last night we went to our friends B-day party , the lovely and leggy Legs Malone. We had a lovely time. I love her apartment in Brooklyn, very eclectic and charming and she is a fabulous host!.

Tonight we are going to see my favorite singer/songwriter Nellie Mckay. I just love Nellie and her zany way of looking at life. She is a treasure. Go get her damn Cd's already.She is not as appreciated in her time as she should be but I know that in years to come she'll be one they say was spectacular...cause she is!!

And talk about a gay week..We're off to see Liza on Broadway on Wednesday night. It's opening night so I'm sure there will be some celebrity buzz. This is the 8Th time now I've seen Liza and I'm sure it'll be great. She just has such great performance energy and lifts the spirits. Lets hope her voice is holding up for the old gal!!

Should be a fun couple of days and very very gay...LOL


Monday, December 1, 2008

Rosie Live

hey gays,

So I was somewhat excited at the prospect of the "Rosie Live" show.

I'm not really sure why? maybe it was because i loved the idea of bringing back the variety show format, like the Ed Sullivan show or Laugh In. These were all pleasing shows and usually showcased both established and up and coming performers.

Well anyway I went out for drinks at our local happy hour and wanted to make sure i got back on time but as things go we were running late because one friend was late so my Jeff actually ran home early so he could set the DVR...it was full so we weren't able to record it before we left...yes we DVR a lot of stuff and then watch it in one night or two...we're crazy..

After watching the show I had an empty feeling as if to say...WTF. Then I felt bad that Jeff ran all the way home to record this show... I was really disappointed. I like Rosie and I thought she would do a great job with this but in the end she , to me, seemed really out of sorts or there was not enough rehearsal. That's what I believe, she was a little rusty and didn't rehearse enough. I know it was a live show and has to have some sort of spontaneity but even the staging was weird and the odd little unfunny cameos by Clay Aiken and Kathy Griffin missed the spot. I would have to shift the blame to the writers here..bad choices(Seth Rudsetsky)mmmm,do not like him, what about Bruce valanch...he's a master at one liners and slapstick, maybe no one was available.....

I'd rather see kathy Griffin do her own comedy, thank you and see Harry Connick sing a full song.....

I read the NY times review and agreed with their take on it. I do feel Rosie should have grabbed the feel and material of the past for at least the first episode and maybe even have on some former variety show performers, like Goldie Hawn, Cher, The mandrel sisters, Dolly Parton, Joan Rivers, Bette Midler, Captain and Tenille, Hee haw. Not that all those shows, people were great but at least they'd have given it that old feeling and then mix in the new people...

Liza was good and they did well together, though I think Rosie missed a line, maybe a little more slapstick banter between them would have been good. Liza is a great comedian...felt she was a little under utilized.

Well now that I got that off my chest....I do really like Rosie and think she is fun. Maybe she should try a sitcom about all of her feuds or one about living on Long Island....


Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Reason not to go to WalMart

Hey Gays,

I just read this on the web about a temp worker being trampled to death this morning by crazy shoppers pushing into WALMART for black Friday.

This is another case for what I've said before "The world has gone mad". It is absolutely unbelievable to me that people would break the hinges off the doors to get into walmart for Holiday shopping.

The marketing machine of retail really have made it seem that if you don't shop on black Friday the world will end. Guess what it won't but in this case some one's life did??????? What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also read about a woman who dragged her son on Wednesday to Best buy and pitched a tent so they'd be the first in line for today's sales. That poor kid....How sad are these stories.

Santa must really be scratching his head and wondering where it all went wrong.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How did I miss Chris Evans

Hey gays,

I went to see that movie Street Kings earlier in the year and remembering that i thought one of the cops was really cute, he got shot, I even was thinking he was sexier than my boy keanu...wink, wink.

I kind of forgot about him until I saw a preview from a movie he is going to be in next year. I'm thinking he is the next big thing, the next Brad Pitt or something. He has a boy next door look about him and now i see from this pic a very nice body...yikes.


How did I miss Chris Evans...I'm a bad gay

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Coming Around Again

hey gays,

so after all my tests the docs have found nothing specific. The positive is that
I don't have crohns disease or colitis but they can't figure out what it is.

He did prescribe me an anti spasm medication which is suppose to help my spastic bath rooming. Oh how fun I get to talk about my messy gastro system. It sometimes seems to take over my life, I hate that.

I'm glad the holidays are coming, something to take my mind off my health.....

I'm also going to start writing my next show though I haven't got the head for it at the moment. I need something to spark me...I will start though and i must have it done by December 15, that's my goal...I can do it!! write a one hour show in less than a month...mmmmmi don't know...LOL

Ok gays i'll be back with some fat things...LOL


Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Hot Tri-Athlete

Hey Gays,

I found this photo on Flickr taken during a Triathalon in England.

A perfect example that bigger people can be athletic and not look bad in a speedo...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Go Connecticut Go!!!!

Hey Gays,

When one door closes another opens!

Chalk one up for my home state of Connecticut.
I've never been a huge fan of Connecticut even though I grew up there. It's more of
a feeling i had growing up that i didn't fit in there or in my community. Personally i think there are a lot of bad vibes in Connecticut...something about Indian burial grounds and history.....very spooky place

Well anyway I'm happy to report that gay marriage has started in Connecticut

Go gays!! and Go Connecticut!!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Message to Obama

Hey gays,

The Guardian UK did a photo campaign on Flickr which was called "Messages to Obama" so my hubby took a wonderful photo of us and our message and it was chosen as a favorite by the guardian.

Jeff is an excellent photographer and he has taken some really gorgeous shots over the years including ones of my character, etc.

I'm so pleased he got some recognition for this photo, i love it! We've been together for 15 years and we were able to marry, we hope everyone will get to have their turn and for it to be a right for everyone


Friday, November 7, 2008

Fat-ee Gay Featured on Best Gay Blogs

Hey Gays,

Fat-ee Gay was featured on Best Gay Blogs for my "You Damn Fat people in Alabama" Post.

Well thats a good thing as Martha would say!!! and very exciting for this fat gay!


Having Paul Rudd Fantasy Day

Hey gays,

I've been thinking about Paul Rudd today, my #1 gay crush. I just want to kiss him and throw him to the bed and do all sorts of dirty and bad things to him...


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interesting article on Prop 8

Hey Gays,

I got married in Provincetown over 3 years ago and I'm really sad that this measure
Prop 8 was passed by the state of California.

I guess after reading this article I understand what this couple is saying. As a community we seem to sell everything in a Glamorous fashion by using celebrity, etc.

I think it would be important to show loving couples sharing their stories in commercials and ads because sometimes if people see real stories that can connect them the fear may turn to understanding.

Listen, I know the opposition was selling fear and posing it as what your children may learn, etc. which is ridiculous but we have to put ourselves out there rather than throwing a celebrity endorsement thinking people will change their minds...it doesn't work in my opinion.

Personally after so many years of not sharing everything about my life with my family got me no where. Once I opened up and shared my gay life with them, most have come around and treat Jeff and I like any other couple. My republican sister even has introduced jeff as my husband at times....

Also Obama does not support gay Marriage so people voting for him may have voted for the measure. I'm sure that added to uphill fight.

As I said in my last article we will overcome as many others have before us but unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight.

These fights have to be grass roots though, maybe its time we change the strategy and share the stories of long term GLBT couples and let people see how we live and share the stories. I'll be the first in line that's for sure!!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Say it's So Joe

hey gays,

Well what an exciting evening! I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. The fact is that I'm so relieved we get to say goodbye to George W. Bush and his clan of misfits including John McCain.

I think it is a good time to be a little different for the first time in a while and finally the country woke up and elected someone who See's the world differently. I look at Barack Obama as a person with such a varied background that he understands inherently the plight of many people. He seems to understand that the world is not only about the United States but about the struggles of all people and he understands that there is a need for everyone to come together.

Though it is not a given that this will happen I feel at least there is hope now to try and start. I couldn't help but to get chills and cry as i looked at the faces of the African American people and how much hope they must have in their hearts now. It's actually a little hard to grasp the achievement and understand how much will change. Though I was a Hilary Clinton supporter and also longed for the first woman president this outcome is just as exciting and the endless possibilities it holds for so many people is staggering.

The Obama family seem as genuine as they come and the love they have for each other is so evident and comforting. I've even been won over by Joe Biden, he really seems like a nice person with good intentions and hope for our future.

After Obama's speech all I could think of was Sarah Palin asking Mr. Biden if she could call him Joe at the beginning of their debate and of course he said yes. The interesting point about this to me is that she asked in order to be able to bring him down by saying things like, "There you go again, Joe" or "Say it ain't so Joe". This showed right off the bat that this person was not your average hockey mom or even humbled. It showed me that she was willing to take advantage of someones kindness in order to further herself....

So today when I woke up I just laughed to myself thinking "Say it's so Joe" and it is!!

Lets make sure that this country is a better place for everyone starting today and even though as our GLBT community Struggle's will continue I think I have a little more comfort knowing that minorities do actually have a say and that everyones time will come if you stick with whatever your cause may be and believe in yourself.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Gay Life Expo

Hey Gays

I'll be performing at the Gay Life Expo on November 16, 4:30PM at the Jacob Javits center.

There are some really great performers in the line up so you can get there earlier and check out the expo and the entertainment.

The cool thing is that I get unlimited free passes so here is the link you can print out free coupon and come support Fateegay and MargOH!

Free Coupon


Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hey Gays,

Happy Halloween. I was looking at my friends blog Dannation and he has this funny pic posted.

I do love Halloween and back in the day back in Providence my friend Michael and I hosted a yearly Halloween open house either together or when Jeff and I got together we continued the tradition. I think we had them like 7 years in a row. They were usually a lot of fun. We'd have them from 7-11 then go out to a club that was having a costume contest, etc. I still think the first one we had was the best, it was filled with high drama and antics. In those days I was sleeping around so you know what happens when you get a lot of boys that you are doing at a party at the same time...Of course I was in drag so I didn't care..and I actually ended up boinking someone new that night..LOL. He spun me around the dance floor like ginger Rodgers that night, we had fun!

He was actually a boy I liked and wanted to continue seeing him but he had just broken up with his boyfriend and got back together with him, shortly after that night. The funny thing is years later I slept with this other guy I met who worked at the blockbuster store i went to, he had a huge cock, Italian guy. Anyway it turns out he was the guy from Halloween's boyfriend and they were still together at the time. I can't remember how I linked the 2 together, i think I saw them at the bar together or something.

Well I think you'll get two things from this post, one is that I love Halloween and two I was a really big slut...LOL

Oh, the memories....


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My New TV Crush

Hey Gays,

OK, so I've been watching Amazing Race for many seasons, I think I didn't watch one year after my hubby and I sent in a tape and application and never heard anything, how dare they!! Then I found out that they really cast people in this show and very rarely choose people from tapes, etc.

Any who, this season isn't that great as far as the teams go and most of the underdog type teams are eliminated, I like the underdogs usually, big surprise.
There is one team though that I like, the mom and son team. I think her name is Debbie but who cares about her, its her son Dallas that is the main attraction. He is a bit growing up Gotti for me but hot none the less and he seems like a nice enough guy.

Yesterday my hubby sent me this photo of Dallas he found on another blog. Good lord almighty Mary I'm in love...take a look at the pic and you'll understand...LOL. I'm pretty sure its him....amen

Please, fat people can be size queens as well...LOL


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Damn Fat people in Alabama

Hey gays,

I think the world has gone mad..I really do.

In August Alabama stated they wanted to tax their state employee's $25 a month if
they were considered obese.

The whole thing is going to happen starting in January 2009. This is ridiculous. I think i fall into that category by a hair...but I do not go to the doctors any more than a thin person for being fat. I do go to the doctor for my gastro issues but that has nothing to do with my weight.

Is this open discrimination, I think so. This article states that it is requiring the employee's to get screened making it seem that its getting the screening that is the issue or prompt for the fee.

I think this is a big fat joke. If you go to work and are able to perform your duties then it should be up to no one to charge you for your weight. To be honest I work with a lot of overweight people and they are here no less than women with children who often call in saying my kids are sick or I have to take them to an appointment, etc. I'm getting a bit off track but please read article and decide for yourselves.

Again, I think the world has gone mad...oh yes, it's not fat people that are making health care costs soar, it is the fat establishment with no rules and regulations that causes it...


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Poem: Will they know?

Will they know?

Will they know I’m quite funny?
I’ve reached out to them before
Articles in ink, show them the money
It’s me standing here beyond the door

Will they know I’m quite funny?
Doors Open, closing, hitting me in the face
Articles in ink, talking of some young bunny
Funny I’m not old; I can keep this pace

Will they know I’m quite funny?
It’s all a bit academic, the who’s who I wonder
Articles in ink shatter the glass ceiling with thunder
Shards of glass upon me, heading for cover

Will they know I’m quite funny?
I thought it was up to the eye of the beholder
Articles in ink, they think they’re quite clever
Will they know I’m quite funny, maybe never?


BT Shea

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A little Trip

Hey Gays,

So sorry for my lack of posts. I know you've been biting your nails waiting for the next one....LOL

Any who, now that the craziness of my show is over I have to sit down and start writing new material for upcoming performances. It never ends....but I guess its good to keep busy and to keep plugging away.

A couple weekends ago we went on a little road trip with our best gays Jeff and Glenn. My Jeff and I had to go to a wedding of Jeff's cousin so Jeff and Glenn had asked us previously if we wanted to go on a weekend trip to Newport. Guess what? The Wedding was in Newport so they gave us a ride up there and we had a lovely time.

The wedding was pleasant and quick, though I must say I had a little too much booze and not enough to eat and was like hugging everyone and crying about silly things...I'm telling you there is something about drinking wine during the day...yawza..

The following day we had an interesting breakfast at the hotel we were staying in..the ultra ritzy "Holiday Inn Express" in Swansea Massachusetts..it was a tad Nascar to say the least but it was a place to sleep. We made our way back to Newport and spent the day at the mansions, we toured The Breakers and Rose cliff. The breakers was really cool and the opulence of the Vanderbilt's is something I need to aspire too..LOL. I think I need to sex up Anderson Cooper or better yet may Gloria Vanderbilt herself..well I could wear a blindfold for the latter...that's terrible. Rose cliff has a much more sorted history with several different owners, etc. They film many movies there and have weddings, i guess you can call it the whore of the mansions... It's funny I lived in Rhode Island for 13 years and I hardly ever went to Newport...It is a lovely place.

In the evening we met up with my friend Michael for dessert and coffee and headed out for some wild Providence nightlife...mmmmm there really was none to be had, it was a Sunday but it was Columbus day weekend so I figured there'd be a little activity but not really, sad. Providence used to be a great place to go out for a gay bar hop, not sure what happened or is it I'm getting old...Could be!

We had a lovely time and here are some pics. If you ever get a chance to visit Newport go for it, it has a lot to offer.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'll be back

Hey Gays,

Sorry for the lack of posts. I have been traveling and now getting ready for show on Thursday. I'm busy.

Just to give an update I'm performing at the Gay Life expo so I'll be getting unlimited free passes so if you want to go let me know November 15th or 16th. I'll give you passes the day I'm performing so you can cheer me on!!

I'll post on Friday about my lovely trip to newport and other thangs....LOL


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mystery illness update

Hey Gays,

So I had my colonoscopy, how fun. The actual procedure is fine but the night before
really stinks..You have to drink 4 liters of this vile tasting mixture, an 8 oz glass every 10 minutes, yeah , right. I got to about 3 liters and i starting hurling it back up. They really need a better system for doing this....

Anyway, I've been told I'm baffling because though I have something going on in my
system they can't figure out what it is. I'm now suppose to go for another round of bloodwork for specialty testing....for auto-immune diseases, he still hasn't ruled out Crohn's disease but also suspects pernicious anemia which is similiar to celiac but your body is unable to process and absorb vitamin b-12........

All of this is getting a little tiring and i know the b-12 deficiency is effecting me, i'm forgetful and cloudy...more like i can't remember names of someone I'm trying to speak of or about...its' weird. I also have to go for a neat test where I swallow a camera in the form of a pill and a recording pack gets attached to your back and it takes pictures....very interesting....

What can I say I'm a freak. The one thing i don't understand is why I'm not thin....I should be....it's my life's curse!!!

Cheers, Thanks a lot


Monday, October 6, 2008

Gavin and Stacey

Hey gays,

i've been watching this funny show on BBC America "Gavin and Stacey". I love this show and on one episode there was a scene between the lead and his chunky friend.

They were talking about a a gay guy and his boyfriend and one said If I were gay I'd like to be with him and the chunky friend said yeah, me too. Gavin, then said, Oh, no mate, you'd have to lose weight cause the gays ostracize fat guys. I loved this and had never heard it on TV before...I put a you tube link to it, maybe the clip is on there.

I like this show so check it out!! It seems I like British TV in favor of the major US networks, go figure.

I am little upset that the US version of Little Britain is on HBO, we don't have it, hopefully they'll have it on i-tunes or something...


Friday, October 3, 2008

Finally, Good Lord Almighty

Hey Gays,

I was so Happy after watching the VP Debate last night and I have to say my view on Joe Biden drastically changed. The reason why is because he challenged Palin's use of the word "Maverick" over and over again. I have been so sick of hearing McCain and her use that word. I mean usually other people describe someone else as a "Maverick", it's not a word a humble person would use to describe themsleves, is it? but McCain calls himself that....it's fucked up.

I was so happy to hear him call her on that and she shut up about it afterwards, Loved it. Of course none of the commentary gave him credit for it...figures... here is the transcript in case you didn't see it.

PALIN: People aren't looking for more of the same. They are looking for change. And John McCain has been the consummate maverick in the Senate over all these years.

He's taken shots left and right from the other party and from within his own party, because he's had to take on his own party when the time was right, when he recognized it was time to put partisanship aside and just do what was right for the American people. That's what I've done as governor, also, take on my own party, when I had to, and work with both sides of the aisle, in my cabinet, appointing those who would serve regardless of party, Democrats, independents, Republicans, whatever it took to get the job done.

Also, John McCain's maverick position that he's in, that's really prompt up to and indicated by the supporters that he has. Look at Lieberman, and Giuliani, and Romney, and Lingle, and all of us who come from such a diverse background of -- of policy and of partisanship, all coming together at this time, recognizing he is the man that we need to leave -- lead in these next four years, because these are tumultuous times.

We have got to win the wars. We have got to get our economy back on track. We have got to not allow the greed and corruption on Wall Street anymore.

And we have not got to allow the partisanship that has really been entrenched in Washington, D.C., no matter who's been in charge. When the Republicans were in charge, I didn't see a lot of progress there, either. When the Democrats, either, though, this last go- around for the last two years.

Change is coming. And John McCain is the leader of that reform.

IFILL: Senator...

BIDEN: I'll be very brief. Can I respond to that?

Look, the maverick -- let's talk about the maverick John McCain is. And, again, I love him. He's been a maverick on some issues, but he has been no maverick on the things that matter to people's lives.

He voted four out of five times for George Bush's budget, which put us a half a trillion dollars in debt this year and over $3 trillion in debt since he's got there.

He has not been a maverick in providing health care for people. He has voted against -- he voted including another 3.6 million children in coverage of the existing health care plan, when he voted in the United States Senate.

He's not been a maverick when it comes to education. He has not supported tax cuts and significant changes for people being able to send their kids to college.

He's not been a maverick on the war. He's not been a maverick on virtually anything that genuinely affects the things that people really talk about around their kitchen table.

Can we send -- can we get Mom's MRI? Can we send Mary back to school next semester? We can't -- we can't make it. How are we going to heat the -- heat the house this winter?

He voted against even providing for what they call LIHEAP, for assistance to people, with oil prices going through the roof in the winter.

So maverick he is not on the important, critical issues that affect people at that kitchen table.

The other thing is how dare she use the word "Tolerate"(like to put up with) when speaking of Gay people like she is superior to us. I don't know what gay friends she has but they must be really self hating to be her buddy....really...I think the proper word would be "acceptance"(like ok with). She is a fool, i just feel there is negative energy when people use the word tolerate, hate it! See How Biden uses the word support, its much more positive.

BIDEN: Absolutely. Do I support granting same-sex benefits? Absolutely positively. Look, in an Obama-Biden administration, there will be absolutely no distinction from a constitutional standpoint or a legal standpoint between a same-sex and a heterosexual couple.

The fact of the matter is that under the Constitution we should be granted -- same-sex couples should be able to have visitation rights in the hospitals, joint ownership of property, life insurance policies, et cetera. That's only fair.

It's what the Constitution calls for. And so we do support it. We do support making sure that committed couples in a same-sex marriage are guaranteed the same constitutional benefits as it relates to their property rights, their rights of visitation, their rights to insurance, their rights of ownership as heterosexual couples do.

IFILL: Governor, would you support expanding that beyond Alaska to the rest of the nation?

PALIN: Well, not if it goes closer and closer towards redefining the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman. And unfortunately that's sometimes where those steps lead.

But I also want to clarify, if there's any kind of suggestion at all from my answer that I would be anything but tolerant of adults in America choosing their partners, choosing relationships that they deem best for themselves, you know, I am tolerant and I have a very diverse family and group of friends and even within that group you would see some who may not agree with me on this issue, some very dear friends who don't agree with me on this issue.

But in that tolerance also, no one would ever propose, not in a McCain-Palin administration, to do anything to prohibit, say, visitations in a hospital or contracts being signed, negotiated between parties.

But I will tell Americans straight up that I don't support defining marriage as anything but between one man and one woman, and I think through nuances we can go round and round about what that actually means.

But I'm being as straight up with Americans as I can in my non- support for anything but a traditional definition of marriage.

IFILL: Let's try to avoid nuance, Senator. Do you support gay marriage?

BIDEN: No. Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that. That is basically the decision to be able to be able to be left to faiths and people who practice their faiths the determination what you call it.

The bottom line though is, and I'm glad to hear the governor, I take her at her word, obviously, that she think there should be no civil rights distinction, none whatsoever, between a committed gay couple and a committed heterosexual couple. If that's the case, we really don't have a difference.

IFILL: Is that what your said?

PALIN: Your question to him was whether he supported gay marriage and my answer is the same as his and it is that I do not.

If people cannot see through her charade then the American people are actually idiots and commentators should stop saying "American's are smarter than that".


Thursday, October 2, 2008

A bad night

hey gays,

last night I did a last minute performance, well I knew about on Friday and I planned on singing the new song i 've been rehearsing "Hard hearted Hannah". It was weird , I didn't feel right last night, like I wasn't in character or something.

This performance was solely to promote the October 16th show. I think the issue that was nagging at me but didn't realize until after I performed is that most burlesque shows are geared towards a straight audience. The last time I performed at this event the crowd was more mixed but last night there were a lot of straight guys and gals and winning people over in 2 minutes with a comedy bit doesn't always work and last night I bombed.

I hate that, not that I bombed, but that i was there to promote and bombing and promoting doesn't mix well.I did the song ok but after i felt i should have done a more drag lip synch #, something the crowd would expect from a drag queen, you know..

In the end it's all just to be in peoples faces so that's good and i did hand out cards and promote the show so whatever but MargOH! hates not making a crowd go wild..aaargh!! Maybe if I do this show again I'm going to do something from "Dream girls"...LOL


Monday, September 29, 2008

Clay Aiken...Gay...Can we send him back?

Hey Gays,

Oh, what a big surprise that Clay Aiken is gay. I can't believe it!! I'm stunned!! I'm just a twitter!!! No, not really...

Can we give him back to the straights? As gays shouldn't we have the right to say who gets in the club after denying their gayness for so many years, like it was a bad thing.....

Of course I'm joking but really is this any big surprise? The first time I saw him on AI I was like he's a big Mo....and to think that poor Kathy Griffin was lambasted by other AI competitors for saying so that season. The poor thing was almost attacked at one of his concerts by the Claymates.

I haven't read the people magazine article but I'm sure he didn't want to come out because his image wouldn't allow it, he had to make sure he made enough money that when he did come out it didn't matter. I usually like the artists that come out first and try and make it on who they are, rather than what the mainstream wants for their celebs images. Its all really sad to me.

Well anyway, welcome to the club Clay and I'm sure you'll soon find a place on LOGO or on the advocate cover every other month about your gay life....how fun!

Oh! just one more thing, Clay is coming back to Broadway, isn't it funny how Simon Cowell tells many of the singers on AI that they are too cabaret or Broadway when almost all of them end up in a Broadway show.....even ones that get kicked off for showing their tits like Frenchie Davis, it's too funny...


Paul Newman RIP

Hey gays,

I heard of Paul Newman's passing and had a bit of sadness about it. I guess it was because I remember liking Butch Cassidy and the sundance kid

Then this morning I saw a piece about him but it more centered on his marriage to Joanne Woodward. The piece was well done and I actually cried a bit when they were showing pictures of the two of them. They all had Paul looking at Joanne always with a lot of love in his eyes. Though he was a striking looking man, he seemed always to be humble. I don't know much about him , really but I guess when I saw the pictures it was interesting to see how someones love can actually be seen through the eyes and how wonderful that Joanne was the recipient of that much love...It's really interesting to me, the eyes I guess...


Friday, September 26, 2008

One of the faces of Greed

Hey gays,

We all know whats going on with the economy! It's the same as always...Republicans get into office and cut the wealthy people's taxes in hopes that by pumping them with more money that they'll know how to invest it and spend it in order for the excess wealth to trickle down to the middle class and the poor....mmmmm Reagan started it and it didn't work then, Bush made it even more of a platform to dive into and guess what it still doesn't work. Plus, why is it they trust rich white people to do the right thing??? They usually don't, they usually pump themselves full of cash and then run for the hills when things get bad and let someone else deal with it.....

The problem is that everything has become so tied into the stock market that there really is not much hope for unsavy people or those who don't have the know how on where to even begin to play.

I bet things were a lot better when companies were private and people that owned them were ok with just having enough, it wasn't always about how much more can I get...that mentality is killing this country and the world.

As I watch all of this Crisis unfold in front of my eyes there is one sector I feel that has been going unscathed, by that, I mean right now it's the banks and the sub prime lenders getting all the blame and of course they should take the brunt of it.

It is the Real Estate companies ethics that no one ever questions. It's weird, they are the ones people depend on to try and get them a good deal, correct, no I don't think so because a realtor only goes by what the "market" says by doing research and they usually are the ones who determine the final price to sell a home. The thing is Realtors work on commission so they want the houses they sell to go for the most they can because that means more money in their pocket. To me it's a really crooked racket. I found this quote by a realtor giving their opinion about who sets a sale price

My job as a Realtor is to help buyers and sellers understand market value by providing competent research of our local market. I am good at what I do, but I don’t control the market, I only interpret it.
Someone once said, “The market may not be kind, but it is never wrong.”

In other words, your home is worth not what I think it is, nor what you think it is, but only what the market says it is.

So this means, really, that a realtor sets the price by "market", not what they "feel" it is worth. That is a load of crap. They want to inflate prices to make more money don't they? Honestly, the apartment I live in was bought in 1998 for 80K an now the "market" says it can be sold for 499K....that is outrageous to me. This really is why people can't buy a home. I think that a home should be something that we live in, not necessarily something we expect to make a fortune on.

This gets to my point. It kills me when I see Barbara Corcoran on shows giving advice about what is going on with the market and all of a sudden saying you can't play the housing market, you should be buying a home to live in and as a long term investment. In my eyes she's one of the problems. Company's like hers are the ones that have inflated the "market" to where it's hard for an average person to buy a home in NYC especially. The main reason I think this is because as a real estate company they used the whole angle of investment to make cash, IE. flipping. You know buying a cheaper home, throwing in a granite counter top and selling it for twice than it was worth but now she's changed her tune. That's the criminal element to this crisis and she was laughing all the way to the bank...it just amazes me that no one ever questions real estate companies and their practices. It seems they place themselves as a third party with no responsibilities for the prices they set for homes.

I'm no economic genius but I feel someone should say something about it. I never hear anything about those companies. I for one can't stand the sight of Barbara Corcoran and wouldn't follow her advice.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Next Big Step

Hey Gays,

Well, I feel yesterday was a big day for me and my performing.

I mentioned in the past that I've been working on a new project called
"For the Love of Judy". It is my story and struggles with coming to terms
with who I am as a person and choices I made in my life to where I am now. In a
broad over view I will transform myself on stage into Judy garland, the person who I feel originally gave me my voice as a performer, she was my catalyst, the one
who inspired me to take a chance on performance.

Yesterday, I asked someone to direct this show. This is a big step for me. In the past I have written, performed, produced and directed myself with the help of course with my hubby Jeff. He does a lot more for my performances then he'll take credit for believe me and I am so thankful for what he has given me. I just felt I needed a new voice in my work, someone who will be honest and critical.

The weird thing is the woman I asked is someone I don't know that well. I saw her host a show once and she was really funny, she does this Liza impersonation that is really out there, though masterful. We spoke to her briefly after the show and I just loved her voice and the way she spoke. Then again we saw her at a show and approached her and chatted. We were talking about work and her new show and for some reason I stood there and stared at her and thought.

This is the woman I want to direct this show. It was a gut instinct and I knew i wanted a woman to direct me, I felt this show needed a woman to guide it. This fabulous woman's stage name is Howlin Vic and she is a performance artist, writer and teacher. She is interesting and dark. I love to know people that are a little dark, it fascinates me. We met yesterday and discussed the project and she accepted the challenge and was really excited about it.

Victoria acknowledged that she had directed in college and now focuses more on teaching performance art and burlesque. I think she'll be perfect for this show plus with her having such a connection with Liza and Judy add even more relevance to the project.

I'm really excited about having someone I can learn from and challenge me as a performer. It'll also be a process of letting go of what my idea of MargOH! is and expand to possibilities.

This is a big step for me.....


Monday, September 22, 2008

Feeling Helpless

Hey Gays,

I feel fat right now, that's for sure, I'm now 218 pounds, for my height I should weight like 170-180. There are people who would say I'm not fat. I try every day to be positive about myself and most days I succeed but today there are factors bigger than me contributing to my helplessness.

I'm feeling a little down about it at the moment. I would like to be fitter I guess because my cholesterol is high. The thing is I don't eat horribly for meals but it's the snacking that is the issue. I'm a chip-a-holic. Just to give you an example, though there were reasons behind it after I left our friends last week I ate a whole bag of Blue Cheese/Buffalo hot Doritos's. I can't control myself and as I sit here writing this I just laughed.....it's crazy.

I just never had the mindset to work out. I feel I'm trapped by my own laziness or motivation to do it. I wish I could get back to the place in 1997-98 when I was on the Atkins diet and was so focused on it that I went from 215 to 185 and kept it off for like 2 years, I was just more active at that time.

I'm just feeling blah about it today I guess. I wish, I wish , I wish.

The other thing that is on my mind is my youngest brother who over the years has had many issues including heroine addiction, a 2 year stint in prison and now Anorexia. Yes, this fat ass has a family member who at the moment he is my height and weights 105 pounds. He is skinny!

I'm really worried, though I know at this point, there is not much anyone can do besides himself. He needs to realize he is killing himself. I did tell him that he looked thin and that he should try to gain a little weight. I said he should try and see if he can maintain is weight at like 120 pounds. I know this is still thin but i was trying to make it seem like he'd still be thin but wouldn't have to focus on health issue's. I just don't know.

I do know one thing and that my mother is in semi-denial. He also has celiac like me and she is thinking the pain in his stomach and constipation is from the Celiac but its not. It is in relation to Anorexia. He did start going to a nutritionist and she has him drinking protein drinks and things like ensure and she also recommended a person who deals with eating disorders so I think Wednesday he is going to that person.

He has gotten over many things including the heroine,prison, Hepatitis C but I don't know about this, I don't know if he can beat this. This is the root cause of his issues, he says. He was chunky in grade school and a bunch of girls would make fun of him and ridicule him, he said that was the reason he started doing drugs but now food deprivation is his latest fix.

I just feel helpless.

If anyone reading has any knowledge of Anorexia or how to talk to a person dealing with it please let me know. I'd like to help or give guidance.


Friday, September 19, 2008

The O'Neal Fawcetts

Hey Gays,

I know you've probably all heard about the drug bust of Ryan O'Neal and his son Redmond. Of course, the whole family has had issues including Tatum, who I just saw on Oprah. I don't know what it is but I have always liked Tatum even though she can be really fucked up. I guess it is the whole identifying with my childhood, I love "The bad news bears" and "Little darlings", it's a good feeling connection. I also think she is really pretty. I still think she is attractive even though she looks harder than in the past...go figure.

Now getting to looks which is why I wrote this entry. You know Ryan was hot when he was younger and Farrah Fawcett was just gorgeous but somehow the son is like, yuk! A red head? I do like red heads, not a jab at them but I would think the offspring of these two would be gorgeous but he's not attractive at all. He's a bit scary looking actually. I guess he looks more like Ryan but like Ryan looks now. Just very strange to me



Is Biden to be replaced?

Hey gays,

My hubby Jeff sent me this article about the democratic party pressuring Obama to dump Biden and replace him with Hillary.

I wonder if this is true? I honestly thought that Biden was a poor choice for Obama, it was, to me, going away from his message of radical change and thats why Mccain picked this nutjob Sarah Palin. It's all Crazy. I'm already tired of this election but thankfully its almost over.

Check out the Article! Any thoughts gays?


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friends , Family and good food

Hey Gays,

Had a fabulous weekend! It's so great when you have friends and family to be able to do things with and feel comfortable.

On Saturday we headed up to visit our friends Jeff and Glenn. Jeff put together a fabulous meal for us, Tapas to be more specific, everything was great and just perfect, I especially loved the Chorizo dish with potato's, just tasty. We brought wine and dessert and the dessert was really good, we got little cakes from Black Hound. When Glenn picked us up from the train and brought us back to the apartment and opened up the trunk to pull out a case of wine...we had brought 2 bottles, he knows us so well..LOL.

We had a great time chatting about issues and laying the gay on the table, meaning , just talking about our lives and struggles as well as fun times. The thing is we are all a little different. My Jeff is a little headstrong and very blunt, Glenn is gentle but extremely intelligent and observant, Glenn's Jeff is an artist of the talk, and I mean that in a good way, he's so articulate and dramatic in tone, I love his voice and how his words flow and then there is me, then there is me, I think I always try and bring a little comic relief to everything.

We always have great talks and sometimes we don't always agree on everything but we usually understand each other's points of view. I didn't bring the camera so I didn't take any pics but believe me we were laughing, crying and enjoying our night and the drink added to the fun. We are planning a trip to Newport, RI next month so that should be fun!

On Sunday I had planned on going to my Aunts house in Connecticut to keep a family tradition alive.

You see when I was young my Grandmother, Sophie, was always bottling things. She always had a huge garden and every summer she would pickle everything she could get her hands on, LOL. She would also make hot peppers that would knock your socks off. The one thing that she made though that I loved was something called "Chili Sauce". Today it would be considered Salsa.

As a kid it would always be a big event to help make Chili Sauce and Nana would only do it once every few years because she'd make a huge amount that would last for 2-3 years. The other thing is she said you could only make it towards the end of the summer or early fall because you needed really ripe tomato's to do it.

In 2003 my Aunt used the last jar of Chili Sauce that was made in 1997 and my Nana died in 2001 so no one has been there to make Chili Sauce....sad. While on vacation in Florida I talked to my Aunt and we decided to carry on the tradition and make it in September and we did.

It made me really happy because I haven't felt close to my Nana lately and felt I needed to be close again. The really fun thing was that Nana only wrote down the ingredients for everything she would make but not the amounts so making chili sauce and have it taste like she made it is the challenge. It takes all day plus the night before to prep the tomato's...

So my Aunt Karen, my mother Barbara, My Father Joe, My sister Kim and my Niece Heather got together to try and replicate my grand mother Sophie's recipe.

Here are some pictures and we did it while drinking wine....of course... And yes
that's my father wearing the cut off T, it doesn't matter how old he gets , he still thinks he's a stud..insane.

After it is bottled and steamed shut you have to let it sit for a week before tasting. My Aunt said she had a little left over that didn't get bottled and she said it was really spicy but tasted pretty close to Sophie's...I can't wait to taste it, it'll be like going to Nana's house again!