Monday, September 29, 2008

Clay Aiken...Gay...Can we send him back?

Hey Gays,

Oh, what a big surprise that Clay Aiken is gay. I can't believe it!! I'm stunned!! I'm just a twitter!!! No, not really...

Can we give him back to the straights? As gays shouldn't we have the right to say who gets in the club after denying their gayness for so many years, like it was a bad thing.....

Of course I'm joking but really is this any big surprise? The first time I saw him on AI I was like he's a big Mo....and to think that poor Kathy Griffin was lambasted by other AI competitors for saying so that season. The poor thing was almost attacked at one of his concerts by the Claymates.

I haven't read the people magazine article but I'm sure he didn't want to come out because his image wouldn't allow it, he had to make sure he made enough money that when he did come out it didn't matter. I usually like the artists that come out first and try and make it on who they are, rather than what the mainstream wants for their celebs images. Its all really sad to me.

Well anyway, welcome to the club Clay and I'm sure you'll soon find a place on LOGO or on the advocate cover every other month about your gay fun!

Oh! just one more thing, Clay is coming back to Broadway, isn't it funny how Simon Cowell tells many of the singers on AI that they are too cabaret or Broadway when almost all of them end up in a Broadway show.....even ones that get kicked off for showing their tits like Frenchie Davis, it's too funny...


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