Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm Electioned OuT

Hey Gays,

Had a great weekend, Friends, family, good food and fun!

I took a whole bunch of pics but haven't uploaded yet so I'll tell the tale of my weekend tomorrow.

Any who, the other major thing going on in every one's lives is this damn election. I'm tired already, even before the first debate and you want to know why....

I think I'm tired of the political process being mixed with celebrity, not meaning that politicians mingle with celebrities but that the media forces politicians to become celebrities. The reason I started to think this was the other day when I was checking out at the supermarket and "People" magazine had the the McCain Clan on the cover. I know this has been going on for a while but it used to be that political crap was covered by magazine's like Time, Newsweek and of course Newspapers.

People really is a celeb magazine. This just shows how politics has become a circus. I don't want to see people who are suppose to be working for us on the same pages as J-Lo. It just doesn't seem right to me.

At this point I'm afraid John McCain is going to win so I decided to think he is going to win so if he in fact does I'll be able to handle it. To be honest this is in fear of me running into the street crying, sobbing and getting hit by a car. As a New Yorker I feel helpless because It really depends on what the independent and republican and even Palin lovin white folk democratic freaks in the Midwest decide..

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahm, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahm, aaaaaaaaaaaaahm...I'm now chanting for the relief of my stress... ; )


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