Friday, December 19, 2008

Gays Go Wild

Hey gays,

I know you've all heard the ramblings about Obama's pick of Rick Warren for his inaugural induction but then we also here that he picked a civil rights Reverend, Rev. Joseph E. Lowery for the benediction.

Thank goodness, right....He's just playing both sides of the fence but it's all so political that when you dig down deep it just means he's no different than any other politician. Personally I think he should not have Rick Warren as part of his inauguration just because he has said some awful things and seems like a genuine asshole. I don't feel personally offended by someone like Rick Warren because I know his beliefs are twisted, I'm more offended by people that would vote for Prop 8. I just thought Barack had more sense but I guess not in this case, in this case he's catering to the masses not the minority...

I guess only time will tell and I still believe that Hillary Clinton would have made a better president because she wears nice suits and isn't afraid to down a shot of scotch in public. I'm not seeing the change yet and hopefully he will bring it and prove me wrong.

Oh, yes! I love how the HRC gets all hot and bothered about this but didn't seem to give a crap about Transgendered folks that help make up the acronym GLBT when they backed ENDA...

Oh, I just don't know anymore


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