Thursday, November 6, 2008

Interesting article on Prop 8

Hey Gays,

I got married in Provincetown over 3 years ago and I'm really sad that this measure
Prop 8 was passed by the state of California.

I guess after reading this article I understand what this couple is saying. As a community we seem to sell everything in a Glamorous fashion by using celebrity, etc.

I think it would be important to show loving couples sharing their stories in commercials and ads because sometimes if people see real stories that can connect them the fear may turn to understanding.

Listen, I know the opposition was selling fear and posing it as what your children may learn, etc. which is ridiculous but we have to put ourselves out there rather than throwing a celebrity endorsement thinking people will change their doesn't work in my opinion.

Personally after so many years of not sharing everything about my life with my family got me no where. Once I opened up and shared my gay life with them, most have come around and treat Jeff and I like any other couple. My republican sister even has introduced jeff as my husband at times....

Also Obama does not support gay Marriage so people voting for him may have voted for the measure. I'm sure that added to uphill fight.

As I said in my last article we will overcome as many others have before us but unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight.

These fights have to be grass roots though, maybe its time we change the strategy and share the stories of long term GLBT couples and let people see how we live and share the stories. I'll be the first in line that's for sure!!


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