Thursday, December 18, 2008

Our Pooch Kiawah

Hey gays,

We have a dog named Kiawah. We got her when we were together about a year. She is 14, soon to be 15 in April. Kiawah came to us via a friend who told us her next door neighbors dog had puppies and there was one left. She also told us that the dogs were often left outside in the cold, never groomed and not taken care of that well.

She brought Kiawah over when she was 5 weeks old and she fit in my hand. I'd never had a dog before, well once before , a dog named hobo my mother got from the pound but we only had him a week before he bit me on the lip so she brought him back.. We usually had cats, and we actually had ducks and chicks once, my mother loved animals and would get these idea's of raising animals cause we had a huge backyard...weird..anyway..

Kiawah has been both a joy and a pain in the ass sometimes...I guess that's what Pets are for, right! Most of all she's been a lot of fun. She has had some interesting things happen such as the time she was lost for 5 days while we were on vacation. It's a long story but we left her with my aunt and she broke loose from the collar they had her tied to on the front porch while my aunt was getting something inside, she said she was in the kitchen for 5 minutes and when she came out Kiawah was gone. I guess the next door neighbor shot off some firecrackers, it was July 3rd. A woman found her wondering on the side of the road about a mile away from my aunts and took her in and starting calling pounds and believe it or not it all worked out and by the time we got back Kiawah was back as well....

She's also had 2 bladder surgeries and many minor health the poor thing can't hear that well, had eye issues and we think has gone a little nuts....

In the past few days she's not been herself, acting really different and when I pick her up she growls at me. I think she is in some sort of pain or discomfort. She also has thrown up a few times but she is still eating.

I guess I'm writing this because I feel that we have to start making some decisions about how she is doing. Its hard to gauge what the best thing to do for her is at this point. Honestly the vet said she was doing well and blood work was fine but I'm never one to take the word of a doctor 100% and sometimes you just get a feeling.

I've been getting that feeling more lately and its making me sad..I loves me Kiawah and I'm sad to think of being without her....but I know if she is not living well then its not fair....


Anonymous said...

Oh, Bill--My heart goes out to you and Jeff and little Kiawah. The same thing happened to us with Wood. He began to withdraw. I made a little nook for him in the closet with blankets and pillows, it was dark and cozy. He would go inside and stay there for most of the day, even to the end. The very last night I brought him out and placed him on our bed and he slept with us the entire night.

Sending you our prayers.

Seth said...

aww.. thats always a very sad thing, because pets become such a huge part of our lives they are like our children. (or, substitutes FOR our children!!).

i'm sorry to hear that and I hope everything is ok - cherish every moment you have with Kiawah.


MargOH! Channing said...

Hey boys,

Thank you for the support. she's a tough old gal and i'm sure she'll be around a while longer, thank goodness. There are just subtle differences in her behavior..

There was a time when Jeff and I lived apart for a year because he was in school and I had her with me. She was such a comfort and a good friend to me that year....she'd curl on my lap then..loved it...

I'm hope she'll live to 20...who knows??