Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Chew the Fat" Series

Hey gays,

It's weird, I started out doing this blog thinking it would focus on body issue's and a place for plump and fabulous gays to vent their frustrations. I do have some readers I know are dying to come forward but they haven't yet. I have had some other blogs like Fatngay and Sethboyardee and Gay Power Living post me on their site which is really great and I appreciate it so much!

Anyway I thought I would have more comments or bears contacting me..LOL...but I'm really not so I've decided to go to them. I have an idea of doing a series called "Chew the Fat". I'm going to reach out to artists, musician's,writers, poets and of course bloggers and interview them for this blog. I think it will be fun! Stay tuned or if you are reading maybe you will be my first interview for "Chew the Fat".



Anonymous said...

go for it!!! If they don't come to you, go to them--that's what I say! xoxo, J

Anonymous said...

ps. thanks for the luv!

Anonymous said...

have you seen this!? Made me think of this post:

Seth said...

oh boy... i've got ALOT of fat to chew (on)... its like a friggin smorgasboard here in my tummy... and thighs... and chin... and butt.... and... you get the idea.

Let me know what your interview consists of LOL.


MargOH! Channing said...

Seth, does that mean you are volunteering to be the first interview-ee???

Don't worry, it will be painless....I'll prepare a set of questions and get back to you asap.


Glenn said...

Great idea!!! Looking forward to reading your first interview.