Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A whole new world

Hey Gays,

I just stumbled on this blog called Fat n Gay. I believe it is in German and what a fun page....

Now my blog is not meant to be about sex really but maybe I missed the mark...LOL

Plus, after looking at some of the pics....Am I really that fat after all? Well, whatever.

I was just shocked when I saw it and not sure if I should laugh or cry....



Fat'n'Gay said...

Hi, thanks for linking to my Fat & Gay blog!
I call it sex and fun blog, but it's also about arts and lifestyles but often - I admit it - in a drastic or explicit way. I want to show that big gay men have fun in life. Big fat joy of life!

Most posts are bilingual english/german, but sometimes the posts are only in one languages. My translation skills are not well developed. I try my best, but if someone like to help me with translations you are welcome - a link to your homepage/business website is always possible!

I will link to your blog shortly!
CU Olli aka Fatngay

Fatt-ee Gay said...

Hey Fatngay,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your site and the bold message. I wasn't able to read some of it so wasn't sure exactly what the tone was. Love it though and thanks for sharing.

xo , BT