Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Chunky Fabulous

Hey gays,

When i was driving to RI last week I was listening to Sirius/XM and I was listening to Keith Price and then Frank Decaro and it dawned on me that they are both fatee gays...

Then I started to think of all the chunkies out there that are huge in both stature and fame. We have Rosie, Bruce Vilanch

Harvey Fierstein

Oh , yes and Chastity Bono, Poor Cher still doesn't know where she went wrong

I'm pretty sure Clay Aiken is on the road to the chunk and so is Lance bass if he doesn't watch it...no eclairs for him....

I don't even know why I wrote this post..LOL. I guess there are a lot of chunky gays having successful and fun lives....