Friday, July 10, 2009

Kiawah in my Dreams

Hey gays,

The past few months have been tough... Our dog Kiawah has been battling mouth cancer and on Wednesday she passed away. I never thought I could love a being this much and she gave so much back to everyone. Kiawah touched everyone we knew, she was a special friend to both our grandmothers in their later years, she visited nursing homes, she especially was fond of the homeless, she was always drawn to people that needed help or love.

Kiawah was pure of heart, she was a bit odd as dogs go with food, she loved veggies, Carrots, pea's, green beans, sweet potato's and she couldn't resist a tortilla chip. She gave us more laughs than any human ever could, she had her own special comic timing. I miss her so much, I ache with grief at the moment. Leaving the vets office, even though her passing was peaceful, was a tragic and empty feeling for us but I know we'll feel better when we get her ashes back, she'll come full circle back to us, I know it!!

Kiawah in my Dreams
For Miss Binks

Will you come see me?
Kiawah, in my dreams
Holding you in two hands
A puff ball of fur it seems

Will you come see me?
Kiawah, in my dreams
Tugging ropes, playing, at my heart
Not far I know but we’re apart

Will you come see me?
Kiawah in my dreams
Look to the window, dancing squirrels
Cooking, bathing I’m missing, you’re free

Will you come see me?
Kiawah in my dreams
I’m waiting, drifting asleep
Can’t hold back my tears it seems

Are you flying with your birds tonight?
Gentle Breezes across my face, seems right
Will you come see me?
Kiawah in my dreams

A puff ball of fur it seems
Paw, high five, dance Kiawah dance
Carrot treats for you always, Will you come see me?
Tricks again, give me a chance

A puff ball of fur I know
Much more, my friend, my pal
I’m waiting, drifting asleep
Will you come see me?

A puff ball of fur I Know
Bounding endless energy, you’re free
I know you’ll come see me, drifting asleep
Kiawah in my dreams


Jeff C.-S. said...

I love it babe - she will visit us often xxoo

Jeffrey Guard said...

What a beautiful tribute to Kiawah.

Unknown said...

Jeffrey took the words away, "What a beautiful tribute to Kiawah." Agreed.

MargOH! Channing said...

thanks all, Losing her has been just too much for me, words can't express it...


Jeff C.-S. said...

babe, I keep coming back to this and each time it makes me cry. i miss her too, you know that of course. i wish we could have her back for one more day...but maybe those visits in our dreams will provide some consolation. love you!