Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I need, I don't want

Hey gays,

I'm wowed by things sometimes but lately I'm just not having it.

I think our dog Kiawah's illness has flung me into a depression. I'm trying to be positive but the thought of not having her around scares me, things won't be the same without her, having her energy in the house has aways been comforting.

There have been many times when I thought she was a pain in the butt and complained about her, she could be very pesky at times but most of the time she is a very good dog.

The funny thing is she seems to have a zest for life i'm lacking at the moment, i'm performing, but I don't want to, i'm eating but i need to stop, i'm drinking and i need to drink less...

She has a cancer in the worst possible place, her mouth, but she still seems to want to carry on forever and I so wish we could have her always.....

I'll have to soak in some of her zest tonight because I have to glitter up my starfish for Coney Island...LOL...

Zest me up Kiawah!!


1 comment:

Jeff C.-S. said...

I know...I know. She's family and we will have a hard time adjusting. It sucks. But the reality is she will ALWAYS be with us, babe.

love you!